Eight Magic Benefits of Amla: Homemade Amla  Hair Oil

Winter is here and you might be seeing Amla in the market already. Well, this inexpensive fruit has innumerable benefits.

As the winter season sets in, the market shelves become adorned with the vibrant hues of Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry. These small, sour yellow-green berries are more than just a seasonal delight; they are a powerhouse of health benefits. Often hailed as a superfruit, Amla has been a part of our traditional wellness practices for generations.

Amla’s Journey from Tradition to Trend

Our ancestors recognized the potential benefits of Amla for enhancing skin, hair, and overall health. While Amla can be consumed raw, its sour taste has inspired various creative culinary uses. From juices to powders, chutneys to murabbas, the benefits  of Amla knows no bounds.

Today, let’s delve into the magical benefits of Amla and explore how to seamlessly incorporate it into our day-to-day routines.



First Benefit of Amla for Radiant Skin

The first benefit of Amla is its packed with antioxidants, can work wonders for your skin. These antioxidants help reverse the signs of premature aging, reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and lighten pigmentation. The antibacterial and estrogen qualities of Amla make it an excellent ally in the fight against skin infections. Rich in Vitamin C, Amla boosts collagen formation, minimizing fine lines. Try a face mask with Amla powder and rose water or curd, or apply Amla oil on your body before bathing for a rejuvenating experience.

Second Benefit of Amla for Shiny Hair

Amla is a boon for hair health. It stimulates hair growth, improves hair quality, purifies blood, and retains the natural color of hair. Mix Amla oil or powder with a base oil like coconut or sesame seed oil for a nourishing scalp massage. This not only relieves dandruff and dry scalp but also enhances the overall quality of your hair.

Third Benefit of Amla for Brain Health

Maintaining a balance in iron levels is crucial for brain health. Amla, with its citric acid content, prevents the accumulation of iron in brain cells, reducing the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and stroke.

Fourth  Benefit of Amla for Stronger Immunity

Amla’s high Vitamin C content makes it a potent immune booster. With as much Vitamin C as 20 oranges in just 100 grams, Amla strengthens immunity by stimulating the growth of phagocytes—specialized immune cells that destroy harmful intruders.

Fifth Benefit of  Amla for Diabetes Control

Amla emerges as an excellent choice for diabetes management. It helps control blood sugar levels by preventing pancreatitis, a condition that inflames the pancreas. Amla’s high chromium content aids in decreasing blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity.

Sixth  Benefit of  Amla for Bright Eyes

Apart from Vitamin C, Amla is rich in Vitamin A, promoting eye health and preventing age-related macular degeneration. Its antibacterial properties also protect against eye infections like conjunctivitis.

Seventh Benefit of  Amla for a Healthy Heart

Loaded with antioxidants and potassium, Amla supports heart health by preventing the oxidation of bad cholesterol. Phytonutrients like flavonols and anthocyanins enhance blood vessel function, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Eighth  Benefit of  Amla for Healthy Joints

Amla’s balancing effect proves beneficial for reducing discomfort and increasing mobility in osteoarthritis. For optimal benefits, dilute 20 to 30 ml of Amla juice in a glass of warm water and consume it on an empty stomach.

Incorporating Amla into your daily routine, whether through a warm water elixir or as a part of your meals, ensures you unlock its myriad therapeutic properties. From preventing diseases to promoting radiant skin and healthy joints, Amla is indeed a winter wellness wonder that deserves a prime spot in your routine. So, let the magic of Amla transform your health one berry at a time!

Home made Amla Hair : A Step-by-Step Guide


Making your own amla hair oil at home is not only a rewarding DIY project but also a natural way to promote healthy hair. Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is known for its myriad benefits for hair, and creating your personalized amla oil allows you to tailor it to your preferences. In this guide, we’ll take you through a simple step-by-step process to craft your homemade amla hair oil.


Dried amla pieces or amla powder
Carrier oil (coconut oil, sesame oil, or olive oil)
A clean, dry glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
Cheesecloth or a fine strainer
A small saucepan

1. Prepare the Amla:

If using dried amla pieces, chop them into smaller pieces to enhance the infusion process.
For amla powder, measure the desired amount based on your preference and the quantity of oil you wish to make.
2. Choose a Carrier Oil:

  • Select a carrier oil like coconut, sesame, or olive oil. Coconut oil is favored for its excellent conditioning properties.

3. Combine Amla and Oil:

Place the dried amla pieces or amla powder in a clean, dry glass jar.
Gently warm the chosen carrier oil in a small saucepan on low heat; avoid boiling.
4. Infusion:

  • Pour the warm oil over the amla in the jar, ensuring complete submersion.
  • Stir the mixture gently to coat the amla evenly.

5. Storage:

Seal the jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Place the jar in a cool, dark spot to allow the amla to infuse into the oil for two to three weeks. Shake the jar occasionally to aid the infusion.
6. Strain the Oil:

After the infusion period, strain the oil using cheesecloth or a fine strainer, separating the amla residue from the oil.
Squeeze out as much oil as possible from the amla residue.
7. Store the Oil:

Transfer the strained oil into a clean, dry bottle or container with a secure lid.

8. Usage:

Apply the amla oil to your scalp and hair, gently massaging it in.
Leave it on for at least an hour or, for better results, overnight.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to remove the oil.
Conclusion: Creating your own amla hair oil at home is a simple and rewarding process. This natural elixir can contribute to healthier, more vibrant hair. Remember, individual responses may vary, so always perform a patch test and enjoy the nourishing benefits of your homemade amla hair oil.